Inspirational Story ....

... from a regular guy who is also famous. I have been watching Roger Ebert on his movie critique show for years. After leaving the show due to illness, many fans of the show have been wondering where he is and how he is doing.,cst-nws-ebert24.article

One day a person in my Information Security class mentioned he was sick to think of the kinds of things people do with exploits and technology. Today, I am sick to think that for one moment someone in the "paparazzi" or its very twisted fanbase would be cruel or unkind (as mentioned in the article) toward a person who has gone through a situation like this.

Thank you Roger Ebert for being stand up about your job as a critic, about your courage through the medical challenges, and for getting out there again like a man just making a living. With no apologies.

Disgusting ...

Rush Limbaugh and his copycats (Hannity, Savage, Coulter, O'reilly, etc) are amazing. After the media raised issues over Don Imus' comments, (the public largely ignored them due to his having a very small audience) Rush published this gem of intelligence:

And he gets away with it. But so do his copycats mentioned above even though they offend us every day with a "conservative" brand of hatred mixed with a dash of an insulting view of others opinions, race, religion, and economic situations.

One day I hope to find an intellectual explanation for this.

infoSecond Wiki started

Even though the core of infoSecond is hosted using my own resources, that can become impossible to continue at anytime. The site is spreading out a bit with a blog on blogger and a new wiki. One way or another I will be able to remain in touch, even if randomly.

The blog may become more personal while the other mechanisms are better suited for technical stuff. I found a great service that I am going to give a try. So far, I have posted the description of the classroom setup I use in the EC-Council classes and the beginnings of a framework for other useful things. I am very impressed with the service this host offers. You may want to setup a wiki for yourself.

The infosecond wiki.

Slow postings

I have been unsatisfied with the time/quality trade off of this blog. So I have been looking for a different approach. To be honest, I also wonder whether or not a blog is a wonderful personal expression tool or a professional suicide trap, or what this blog should really be about.

Though I would like to express my thoughts here, I also never wish to risk the business of my colleagues. My strange humor will always leak out in my writings, but my politics ... are a different matter. That can always impact things even if it should not (thats a while blog post in itself).

So while I wrestle with how to handle this dilemma responsibly, (or whether it is not responsible to hold back) I am working on a few things for the site that should be up soon. Focused on the original spirit of infosecond; to give students access to things I refer to in the classroom.

Thanks for visiting, please come back.

Free educational podcats

Free and Open source virtual machine software

And it runs on windows too.

List of free online education courses

APT for SUSE 10

Apt for Linux..I need to try this out...

99 ways to more secure email

Some of these tips are about proper communication through email; and from personal experience this can be as much a security risk to personal career availability as any xss or spam attack.

Not an excuse, but its an excuse

Its been awhile since my last blog posting. I have moved, had comcast "issues" for a week, taught two classes a day for two weeks in a row, and began a couple other nice projects that cannot as yet be discussed.

Once things settle in, I will resume some postings. If you are reading this, lease know that I appreciate your visits to this site and thank you for returning. Please check in periodicly for things to get back into the swing.

Steven DeFino

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