Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures

Hosted by NIST, because its always fun to pickup some obscure piece of mind candy.

For example: "Byzantine's Generals". This problem seems to me the basis for all the silly "reality TV" shows on the airwaves. The winner of the 'game' (term used loosely) is the one that has the best algorithm for dealing with the deceit, manipulation, and backstabbing of their opponents. The best player is able to figure out the group consensus and ride that perfect middle ground amidst all the noise, strategy and political nonsense.

Anyway, while you are visiting the site, randomly click on an interesting looking phrase and prepare your small talk for the next social occasion when discussing the weather just isn't cutting it and your companions are not interested in sports.

Back up and settling in !!

I finally got I-net access hooked up in my new home. So far this has been the most difficult part of the move, as the people I have met in Salt Lake City have all been terrific and everything else has run smoothly.

...and for the Californians I have left behind; no SLC is not really a weird place where people are constantly trying to convert you to Mormon or keep you from having your own version of fun. Though my soon to be wife is LDS (I have been informed that LDS is what people 'in the know' call it these days) and so is much of her family, I clearly communicated that I will be retaining most of my bad habits and vices even though as I hear myself say it I feel silly being proud of something like that.

If anything, I have found that its enjoyable and enlightening to discuss my own ideas about faith and matters of living with people who are very clear about their own point of view and are willing to share it. Even in the midst of dissagreement, if one can see the value in the others point of view, learning and growth are possible even if that just means becoming entrenched in your own perspective.

As you can tell, there is something about SLC that makes a person think about these things. Maybe its because where all else is concerned this city is much like every other city. It has the same malls, food chains, entertainment options and so on as everywhere else in the USA.

Geography is fast becoming irrelevant. I wonder if I will still think that when this Californian is in the middle of my first winter and I am shoveling snow out of the way so I can make a grocery run to the Starbucks and the state liquor store ;)

P.S. The sell the Belgian 10% triple ale that warms your blood and clears your sinuses in that store. Looks like I'll be up many nights um er studying.

I am relocating....

You may have noticed there hasn't been much activity on this site. Thanks for returning in spite of that. But I have been busy aquiring a new job, packing, and getting ready to move.

I am relocating to Salt Lake City, and I will still be teaching for New Horizons at that center. I am continuing my relationship with NH San Diego also, so I hope to return often to work in my home town.

Is there something wrong with SD? Was the offer that much better.....well in a matter of speaking. I really didn't want to leave SD. Its my home town and the center there is terrific and I have enjoyed working there. But I met a girl in Salt Lake, and she has agreed to become my wife November 4th. Considering her support system in Utah and the cost of living in SD, it just made more sense for me to go out there.

In the meanwhile, this site will go down for a few days while I make the move and get set back up. Then, barring the oppressiveness of the new access providor, I will bring the site back up in its entirety or as close as I can get to it.

Thanks again for visiting, and I hope to cross paths again soon.

Steve DeFino

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