Funny UNIX shell commmands

Very clever stuff here. Try them on Linux too

Funny UNIX shell commands

Invasion of the Computer Snatchers

Probably the most in-depth article I have found on the subject, an interview with a botnet master and others involved in the process. Try not to get too angry while reading. This is a must view.

Invasion of the Computer Snatchers

Things you don't want Google to find

This article has frightening examples of what can be found on Google, with links to sites with even more information.

Silicon Valley Sleuth: Things you don't want Google to find

Psychology Today: Procrastination: Ten Things To Know

I usually excuse my procrastination by saying "I have a large list of things to do, and many of them will never get done, but I do my best."

In the meanwhile, being more privately honest, I know that system does not work. We all have and there will always be more things to do than fits the day. There are systems, disciplines and priorities that help us make the best choices. Here is a list of core concepts to consider:

01. Spend some time each day reflecting on your life's purpose. On a daily basis, work on your spiritual beliefs.
02. Pay yourself first. Put aside a reasonable amount of money, then pay your debts with honor.
03. You cannot do a project. Make a list of your projects, then break them down into tangible items. Do these items.
04. Be usefull. Too serve is to lead. To lead is to be in control of your destiny.
05. The above rules are easier said than done. Find a mentor, believe in others.
06. If you are not angry, you are not paying attention. Make a difference.
07. Have some fun. It is possible to be happy and angry at the same time because the only failing is apathy.
08. If you stand for nothing, you'll die for nothing. Have an opinion.
09. Opinions evolve with growth. reserve the right to become wiser. Do not worry about the "Wishy-washy" label.
10. Do not vote conservative repugnican. The profit motive is NOT a replacement for humanitarianism.

I guess I revealle some of my politices in that last rule. But if you disagree with that last statement, the article linked to below is still worth reading.

Psychology Today: Procrastination: Ten Things To Know

Fighting Fat-Wallet Syndrome

Bruce Schnier always brngs up an interesting angle. I have long feared PKI as the most probable form of the "barcode on the forehead" type of thing described in the lore of the book of revelations.

But in this article something obvious is discussed. Companies will never agree on a common authentication system becuase their own egos .... er er er cough branding requirements prevents it.

Maybe in this case, commercialism is an advantage?

Wired News: Fighting Fat-Wallet Syndrome

Making OpenSUSE complete

I have been playing with OpenSUSE 10.1 beta2 for a few days now. Its very very cool. Since it is open source though, it leaves a few applications out. Follow the steps in the linked article to add the rest of what you need for a full multimedia machine.

Hacking OpenSUSE

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