Internet Explorer 7: Beta 2 Preview checklists

I am blogging this as soon as I found it, so I do not have an opinion yet. Give it a try...if you dare....

Internet Explorer 7: Beta 2 Preview checklists

If you must use IE instead of Firefox

When I am asked why I use Firefox, the assumption is that I will go off on a diatribe about security issues ad so forth. As it tuns out, I use firefox because I just think its better. I like the page rendering, options and general usability. Those aspects are arguable, and of course there are the security items...

Unfortunately, some websites insist on being IE only. I do not believe for a second that those same websites could not find a way to be functional under Mozilla code. But if I need those sites badly enough, I will visit them through Maxthon.

If MS doesn't want to spend money reinventing the wheel for IE 7, they could just buy the company behind this browser.

Maxthon Browser – Tabbed Internet browser software

Another tool for recon against websites

While searching for a book on amazon I consulted the list of a person who was recommending websites in addition to paper publications. When I clicked on a link I was not taken to the site as expected, but to an amazon page with a description, thumbnail and misc data like popularity and uptime.

Examining the URL and playing around for awhile showed the below link. It has been there awhile, so it is not new or a secret to many people Its just that I am sharing it with you now. Try it out and notice the data you can collect about the domain of your choice.

They also include a "diary" and a "bookmark" feature, so you can collect your recon notes in one convenient place. As they say in my favorite beer Guiness' commercial...."Brilliant!"

My home page is page ranked 5,234,xxx or something. Which is fine for a word of mouth, non advertising, non ...uh I just don't care kind of site. Its a hobby and I hope former and future students get some use from it too. But try a more popular domain or your own.... Home Page

CyberWyre » Data Mining using Google

Here is a good reference page that shows some of the things that can be done at a google prompt. Including many of the lesser known services that are available.

Yeah I know, I should use the spell:word feature more oftan.

CyberWyre » Data Mining using Google

Commercial for IBM Linux - Google Video

Nice commercial for Linux, and a few good quotes to go along with it.

comercial de ibm linux - Google Video

New Wi-Fi 802.11n Standard Promise Speeds Up To 600Mbps

With ever increasing speeds I wonder; "Why?" In fact even just 10Mbps is sufficiant for 90% of internet users, email and webpages download plenty fast at that speed. The reason is home and music....and of course the ensuing advertisements chewing up the bandwidth we just paid to upgrade to.

Let me try a different angle. An end user pulls down basic traffic for the most part until they start sharing their files, IE "serving". Music, video and media, make faster speeds really a necessity. Particularly when a person shares with multiple friends and family. So as the entertainment industries are suing people left and right the direction we are being encouraged to take includes more bandwidth to make it easier to violate er er er er I mean ....never mind, you get the picture.

Some vendors have already been selling a "pre-N" model for well over a year, but here it finally is. Its a fun world out there. The brightside is that you can now download new Linux distributions much faster :)

New Wi-Fi 802.11n Standard Promise Speeds Up To 600Mbps

Why modern offices only let you work for 11 minutes

Frequently students in my classes are interrupted by cellphones, email, blackberries and the like. Because of the nature of my educational institution I have to allow the interruptions, up to a point.

I wonder to what extent does the student have the power to ignore these messages. I also know that in some cases the employers will just not leave the student alone. I went through this many times when I was in the jungle: "Sorry, just this one small question just couldn't wait". After the 30th distraction they just stop apologizing.

I have also noticed that many 'urgent' questions result from ones own chaotic multitasking activities getting stuck in the mud until certain information is obtained. So like a virus, we infect others with the short attention span disease.

I am not the only one who has noticed this. There is a lucritive cottage industry of time management coaches who charge $250 an hour to say what I am saying here. And they spend a great deal of their efforts in just convincing their client that there really is a better way. But it takes a lot of faith and discipline, and there is just no time for that today.

Why modern offices only let you work for 11 minutes - The Herald

Your Right to Be an Idiot

The wikipedia has been taking some grief lately in the news for reporting innacuarate information. Whenever I run across a story like that, I cannnot help but wonder if the story in question was really wrong or just something that the target didn't want people to know about. Of course that also begs the discussion about the extent to which we have the right for people not to tell stories about us that we do not want told.

Whatever your opinion, there is now question that the wiki site has brought these important topics into focus.

Wired News: Your Right to Be an Idiot

10 Big Myths about copyright explained

I am not qualified to provide legal advice, so this article is presented without cross checking or verification. It is however, compelling reading and where IP (Intellectual Property) is concerned, err-ing on the side of caution is wise.

10 Big Myths about copyright explained

Hamachi : Free of cost VPN solution

VPN - Virutal Private network - protects your network traffic from eavesdropping. It does not protect your local data, but if you connect your laptap to your home PC from a schools, coffee shop or other public place, then you really need to protect the traffic.

Hamachi is a home VPN solution that is easy to configure and free of cost.

Hamachi : Stay Connected


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There are many brilliant professionals out there. Unfortunatley, many of them are not interested in sharing their knowledge. But the scientists that contribute to this site have made the choice to bring extraordinary complex ideas into the fold of everyday life. Please support them.


Convert DVDs to an iPod

This Christmas I bought my wife an iPod. i got it from the Apple store and included a mushy engraving which will remain between the two of us. Now I must confess that I was an avid anti-iPod consumer, but after I saw how much fun she was having....well for research purposes only I needed to have one of my own.

One of my biggest concerns was that Apple is somewhat friendly with the concept of DRM technologies. I am opposed to DRM, not because I think people do not have the right to protect intellectual property, but because every DRM solution I am aware of is inconventient, easily defeated, and only punishes the legit customer.

Among my first discoveries was a web page that describes how to easily convert DVDs to a video iPod compatible file. For research purposes only of course...

Videora Converter

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