Google this: DIY spyware kit + WebAttacker

A Russian website is offering a do-it-yourself web based attack kit for about $15. Plug in the code, spam a few hundred "marks", and you have your very own botnet to play with.

If you google the phrase above as I suggest, you will find pages of sites reporting the event. Is this responsible reporting or Millions worth of free advertising for the scumware?

The site for the kit is in Russian, and most "marks" are not interested in nor do they read the sites that report these findings. That is what makes them marks. But people want to have a life, social, family, and otherwise. Plus they have professional jobs of their own that are full time endeavors in their own rite.

So being a mark is not an insult. The insult is that we have so many computers running operating systems that are not only vulnerable.....they encourage this behavior by offering the same holes as "features" to commercial customers.

Try the link below if you can read Russian.

PHB -> Новая версия эксплойта WebAttacker !

Build your own Linux Live CD

Watch this video from

Download MySlax Creator

Download SLAX and Choose modules

Community Virtual Appliances

In many classes I use VMWare and advocate its use in a lab environment. Below is link to a page that offers many comunity created, free of cost, virtual machins for you to try.

I was putting together a free VMWare kit when I ran across this. Ther is too much, it is a growing community and offering. Download the free vmware player and the new beta of the vmware server first; and then have at it.

This is great stuff for a student. No extra costs for learning more than we all have time to do.

Community Virtual Appliances

Popurls - a collection of resources

At I try to provide an easy way to access information with a mix of my own opinions. These opinions involve a mixture of human thought, spirituality, and technology. On the tech side, information security is the primary subject.

In truth, you could just visit a variety of sites on your own and get the same thing...hey, do what works.

At the website listed below, I think they have done a great job of collecting several rsources onto a single page. It is worth taking a look at. | popular urls to the latest web buzz

Exploits sold on ebay ..

It true. The article says it all.

At the bottom of the article referenced below, there are links to .pdf files that are also worth reading.

Dancho Danchev - Mind Streams of Information Security Knowledge!: 0bay - how realistic is the market for security vulnerabilities?

One Man Hacking: The Importance of Having Friends Who Disagree

Playing music, I learned a long time ago that I could not write a song by myself. I just don't have the ear necessary. But I can write original music in a collaborative situation, working with the ideas of others.

One of my favorite tenants to live by I first read in a Stephen Covey book; "When two people are in perfect synch, one of them is not necessary."

When disagreements are embedded in an ideology, trivial matters can become disproportionately emotional. Small arguments can seem like attacks on everything we stand for.

Its not always easy, but learning to appreciate disagreements, divergent opinion and just plain weird or random comments can improve your day tremendously.

The article below is a short but very well put description of this concept, and places it in a professional context.

One Man Hacking: The Importance of Having Friends Who Disagree

Is reading online an indulgent waste?

Sometimes I wonder if perusing the random commentary on the web is a waste of time. Then I try to watch "professionals" give opinions on TV and I realize that truly is a frustrating waste. If watching TV at all, we are better off knowing its fiction and enjoying the escape. I like "The Shield" for this. The show "24" is almost too over the top silly but its still good fun. "The Office" is actually the most insightful show on the air, which is why it works so well as a comedy.

Is a blog posting just a primal scream? A way to blow off steam? Is it what people do to escape having to actually act on their ideas? Whatever you decide, ponder the following thought before diving in: "All human communication is either an expression of love or a cry for help." It will make everything you read a little more interesting.

Some suggestions:

1. Perform a random phrase search on Google and take a look at what comes up
2. Read the comments of a slashdot posting without "RTFA" first in spite of their demand that you do so.
3. Checkout and throw in your two cents worth while you are at it.

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