Disable Windows Genuine Advantage Validation

This site provides instructions on disabling the utterly stupid waste of time that is WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage). This is the thing that MS requires you to do whenever you download certain items from their website.

Disable Windows Genuine Advantage Validation

EFF: RIAA v. The People

This blog is supposed to be about information security...with a smattering of philosophy and other random thoughts. yet I find that much of the time I feel compelled to follow the RIAA battles. Maybe it is because I think "information assurance" should side with the consumer and not the big business.

Both the RIAA and the MPAA have valid concerns. I am not among those who see them as inherently evil. But I also see a media industry full of people with their hand in the trough who have nothing to do with producing anything of value. They are empire builders, contributing to the high cost of ideas....though they have few of their own.

"Information assurance" is a topic that asks an important question: Is it about protecting the profit motive or the idea motive? In my own view, protecting the idea motive will also ensure the profit motive so long as companies do what their customers actually ask of them. So the choice is clear.

But if you are among the "profit motive" camp...then he who plays the game the best is the winner, regardeless of moral imparitives.

Anyway, make up your own mind on the issue...but please make up your own mind and have an opinion !!! In the meanwhile, the link below is to a site that tracks the RIAA as they sue the defenseless and weak....because they too can be thieves after all.

EFF: RIAA v. The People

Google and MS release Antivirus solutions

The "About page" for Google (linked below) announces anit-virus services are now installed in their gmail service. On nearly the same day, Microsoft Live also announces (also linked below) the release of an anti-virus application.

The competition is heating up and it is fascinating sport to watch.

About Gmail
Microsoft Ideas Live

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