I am relocating....

You may have noticed there hasn't been much activity on this site. Thanks for returning in spite of that. But I have been busy aquiring a new job, packing, and getting ready to move.

I am relocating to Salt Lake City, and I will still be teaching for New Horizons at that center. I am continuing my relationship with NH San Diego also, so I hope to return often to work in my home town.

Is there something wrong with SD? Was the offer that much better.....well in a matter of speaking. I really didn't want to leave SD. Its my home town and the center there is terrific and I have enjoyed working there. But I met a girl in Salt Lake, and she has agreed to become my wife November 4th. Considering her support system in Utah and the cost of living in SD, it just made more sense for me to go out there.

In the meanwhile, this site will go down for a few days while I make the move and get set back up. Then, barring the oppressiveness of the new access providor, I will bring the site back up in its entirety or as close as I can get to it.

Thanks again for visiting, and I hope to cross paths again soon.

Steve DeFino

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