A new experiment

I finally had to give in and start using blogger instead of thingamablog. I think the later is a great application and I recommend it. The trouble is that it is not connvenient if you find yourself at several different computers throughout the day.

Hopefully I will stick with this one and start the posts happening with more regularity. One thing I no longer have are catagories. Whatever I blog goes into the same pile of posts. As a refresher, the topics I cover will mostly be Information Security, but web design is an old hobby, and I am also mroe skilled as a Project Manager than as an Admin or Programmer anyway, so that topic will work its way in there too.

Since blogger supports comments, I may throw in a post here and there of just some thought, making this blog a little more personal than just a collection of links and interesting resources. If I can make the time.

As for the old blog, I will occasionaly repost some of the better resources here. Call it rehash if you want, but classics are classics and if I get questions from students that remind of those postings I would rather bring them back to the top then make you dig down for them.

Thanks again for reading.

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