I N K S C A P E . Draw Freely

SVG is an XML specification that allows one to define shapes and graphics using a text-based markup language. Why would anyone want to do this? Because descriptions can tell a display device how to draw the image, and this can be searched through, programmatically manipulated, edited by hand in a text editor, or transformed into other things on the fly.

Plus SVG is an open standard, so anyone who needs to can really learn how it works. "Inkscape" is an application that is more for the artist who does not want to draw a tree using notepad, but would rather have a set of familiar graphics tools and let the application create the XML for the programmers automagically.

Even if you are not at all interested in XML or SVG but you just need a free drawing tool, hear 'tis.

I N K S C A P E . Draw Freely

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