Linspire releases free LiveCD of "Five-0"

Linspire (formally known as Lindows) is one of my favorite distros. Though many of the more 'hardcore' linux types see fault with it, I think Linspire has done a great job with their distribution. Consider these points:

They have enhanced the desktop product with many features other Distros don't have. Let them explain it to you, I won't post the list here.

Linspire is the most successful of any distro I have tried in running an all the hardware I own. Mepis linux is the only other distro that has done this for me, it's likely it will work as well for you.

They charge for "click 'n run" - But they have not disabled Apt-get so if you don't want to pay for CnR you don't have to. BTW, there is nothing wrong with charging money for something.

Linspire has done as much or more than anyone to battle the 'borg' and their monopoly on desktop operating systems. For that matter Michael Robertson, founder of both Linspire and, has made great contributions toward the worthy battle for better distribution and availability of digital media.

Download the torrent for Linspire 5.0 here. Give it a try!

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