Opinion Column by PC Magazine: The Dumbing Down of America

I read a story recently where a study was conducted that found people were getting brainlazy as a result of computers. The article concluded that due to IM, Chat rooms, Blogs, Text Messaging and terse email, people are changing the way they communicate for the worse. As an affect of these technologies, we discuss issues in brief fragments that do not require us to assemble complex thoughts or unravel topics that involve an interplay of emotion and logic. I tend to agree.

I have to admit that one of my pet-peeves is people that have only 3 seconds to talk or remind you at the onset of a conversation just how busy they are. I know we live in a complex and demanding world, but starting a conversation off by telling the other person that they just aren't important enough to warrant a potential small inconvenience of time management is not a good way to strengthen a connection.

Technologies that make short spurts of communication possible cause conversations to be more of an omnipresent interruption than a cohesive interactive event.

This article is a more humorous look at the 'dumbing down' problem. The question being that as long as computers are able to compute, have people lost the desire to think?

Opinion Column by PC Magazine: The Dumbing Down of America

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