What You'll Wish You'd Known

The article I cite in this blog entry seems geared toward students entering college, but the theme is really about making choices for the future. Many IT students find themselves trying to solve the difficult puzzle of how to deal with the vastness of the industry. It is easy too second guess ourselves into a state of paralysis. We concentrate so intently on the question of wether or not we are doing the most lucrative thing that we cannot see the opportunities we are creating for ourselves in our everyday work.

A few years ago, one of the dominant management fads was the concept of the "Five Year Plan". Trouble is, life changes too rapidly to cast your heart that far into the future. Only a few select individuals are truly sure, down to the core of their soul, that they need to take a certain path at whatever cost or sacrifice.

I like the suggestions in this article, which I can summerize in these short ideas:

What You'll Wish You'd Known

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