Microsoft Downgrades Claria Adware Detections

It amazes me how dense, or how little they care about integrity. The "they" I refer too are those looking to make an extra dollar in every conceivable fashion possible using advertising.

Consider Baseball, and yes I know they have issues also. But the last guy that was caught gambling on even his own team, and even to win, was banned or life. This happened because even the baseball execs understand that the very essence and fabric of professional sports is compromised if the end result of a game might be pre-determined or even influenced in any way other than through honest competition.

But we have no such standards on the Internet. The article I reference below posits that Microsoft is downgrading the threat level of an obvious piece of adware in their spyware detection tool. This decision seems to be based on a business arrangement Microsoft is making with Claria Inc, the makers of the "Gator" spyware application.

Microsoft Downgrades Claria Adware Detections

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