New Palm models leaked

..and in typical fashion, Palm ensures customers will not be fully satisfied by making several stupid decisions:

Even though the new TX model will include wifi, (finally for #@$! sake !) it will have a weaker processor than the previous T2 for no good reason. The new TX will also be priced the same as a lifedrive, which is also dumb, as it should be about $100 less.

addendum; No sooner did I make the comment about price, did I find a notice on the Palm site itself correcting other sources. It will be a bit cheaper than the Lifedrive !! The power of blogging, thank you I will take some credit.

Official Palm salespitch

Palm has an awesome OS, yet decided to run Windows mobile on the new Treo. This company could rule if they weren't such knuckleheads. Since I am a Palm user and fan, I am double frustrated. I would love to walk away but I can't, all I can do is criticize them and continue to try to avoid pocket PCs.

new Palm models; TX and z22 reviewed.

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