Is reading online an indulgent waste?

Sometimes I wonder if perusing the random commentary on the web is a waste of time. Then I try to watch "professionals" give opinions on TV and I realize that truly is a frustrating waste. If watching TV at all, we are better off knowing its fiction and enjoying the escape. I like "The Shield" for this. The show "24" is almost too over the top silly but its still good fun. "The Office" is actually the most insightful show on the air, which is why it works so well as a comedy.

Is a blog posting just a primal scream? A way to blow off steam? Is it what people do to escape having to actually act on their ideas? Whatever you decide, ponder the following thought before diving in: "All human communication is either an expression of love or a cry for help." It will make everything you read a little more interesting.

Some suggestions:

1. Perform a random phrase search on Google and take a look at what comes up
2. Read the comments of a slashdot posting without "RTFA" first in spite of their demand that you do so.
3. Checkout and throw in your two cents worth while you are at it.

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