Google this: DIY spyware kit + WebAttacker

A Russian website is offering a do-it-yourself web based attack kit for about $15. Plug in the code, spam a few hundred "marks", and you have your very own botnet to play with.

If you google the phrase above as I suggest, you will find pages of sites reporting the event. Is this responsible reporting or Millions worth of free advertising for the scumware?

The site for the kit is in Russian, and most "marks" are not interested in nor do they read the sites that report these findings. That is what makes them marks. But people want to have a life, social, family, and otherwise. Plus they have professional jobs of their own that are full time endeavors in their own rite.

So being a mark is not an insult. The insult is that we have so many computers running operating systems that are not only vulnerable.....they encourage this behavior by offering the same holes as "features" to commercial customers.

Try the link below if you can read Russian.

PHB -> Новая версия эксплойта WebAttacker !

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