Preconfigured Snort VM

Snort is a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) sign and that is passive, meaning it does not engage the target, and it is uses a rules based signature analysis technique. The rules are easy to learn to write, but a community of users has already created a large default collection that is actively developed and regularly updated.

In my classes I highly encourage students to use: Snort, Hping2, Nmap, Wireshark, and IPTables, as tools for learning the intricacies of network traffic, design and protocols. I also encourage the everyone setup a snort system at home to monitor internet noise.

Theere is now a VMWare virutal machine preconfigured (to a point) offered by the snort team. You can run this in VMWare player and have a NIDS free of cost and of minimal hassle. Check it out...

Snort VM download page

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