Net Neutrality

This subject has come up in classes many times. Although we do not attempt to solve political issues in a technical training class, I believe ANY training class is subject to what I call "general awareness issues". These are current events in the news that may affect our lives, careers, and other choices, that are relevant to the topic at hand.

The doublespeak is starting. A website called "Hands off the Internet" created by a PR firm that represents companies that spend millions in goverment lobbies and other gifts says "Say no to government regulation". ?!?!

Net neutrality is of huge importance. Please take a few moments to see how you see it. In addition to the link below, do a google search on the subject. Try to read both sides of the argument. As with many other polital debates, this one feels as if the two sides are having entirely different converstations.

Net Neutrality - Wiki

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