A9.com > OpenSearch

So now we can have search results syndicated as an RSS feed. Sorry for being a pessimist, but how soon will it be before whatever search you syndicate becomes full of ahem "sponsored links".

I don't mind advertising. I just don't like the amount of advertising I have to deal with everyday and everywhere. Every flat surface is fair game, every electronic media is a marketplace.

I was complaining about a particular site recently when a colleague, who is in the sales profession, said "Well, excuse them for trying to make some money."

I guess my complaint would be, if someone is going to advertise on my site, I should get the money. But, then I thought about it futher. If I want to provide free content, I will end up advertising something for somebody one way or the other. We advertise something in almost every social interaction.

Ok, that was a tangent. This article is about syndicating a list of search results using RSS. It can be a cool thing.

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