Circuit City Claims No Obligation to Protect Customer’s Most Personal Data

As the saying goes "No good deed goes unpunished." A customer service rep doing a favor gets his company into trouble. But there is an interesting dilema in the article below, caused by the fact that niether party really new what they were doing. The customer should not have been in the situation in the first place and the rep should have known better.

The primary security flaw in an any system is always ignorance. But there is a certain amount of ingorance built-in to every situation becuase no one can know everything all the time.

On another angle; think this article over the next time you walk into a Circuit City store and the employee says "Can you give my your social security number please" Out loud and in a crowd of other customers.

Circuit City Claims No Obligation to Protect Customer’s Most Personal Data - Reported by Aunty Spam's Net Patrol

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