Using Rexx for easy Desktop Linux scripting

Rexx is a language that has been around for decades, going back to the AmigaOS. I remember that at the time, Amiga was reported to have a scripting language as easy to use as everyday speech. Claims like that always fall short, but there are immediate benefits to a language where problem solving takes the focus more than wrestling with syntax.

A program is nothing more than a detailed document on how a problem is solved. Like any other document, it should be easy to read, easy to follow, and make its point succinctly. Writing a script is like asking your computer to do you a favor. Using a language with an easy syntax allows one to get used to this way of thinking before venturing into other languages.

I am always looking for different languages that can be brought to those who are convinced they cannot be programmers. Look into Rexx, and while you are at it, look into Python too.

Using Rexx for easy Desktop Linux scripting

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