"Splogs" Spam invades blogging and ruins another good thing

Several of the major blog sites have had trouble recently with thousands and perhaps millions of messages being injected into the flow of their sites.

The easier the blog service is to use, the easier it becomes to create a script that automates the posting of advertising noise. New blogs that are nothing but lists of products and comments made to legit blogs are filling up search results and disrupting sensible communication.

The primary defense spammers use is "free speech". They remind me of the annoying coworker that insists on saying off the wall and often foolish things whenever a good conversation kicks up until people stop gathering in the break room to socialize.

"So Bob, what did you think about the debates last night?"
"Well, I thought....."
"Hey, I think the one guy on the left farted. Who is up for some Poker!!"
"No thanks, um er .... sigh, I'll see you later Bob"

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