What is "Tempest" and can they really do this?

The concept of Tempest has to do with preventing a party from eavesdropping on electronic media from a distance. Because much of the material is classified, there has always been a temptation to fill in theblanks with our imaginations, and a lot of misinformation gets spread around.

...or is it misinformation? (just kidding)

Since I get asked about this alot, here are two links to pages that will help you make up your own mind on the matter. There is no question it can be done, (eavesdropping I mean, not making up your mind) its a matter of what you think governments and others might be doing with the technology that gets the imagination racing.

The Complete Unofficial Tempest Information Page

Compromising Emanations: Eavesdropping risks of computer displays (.pdf)

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