Huge gap in postings....

Blogger quit working one day, then I quit trying. Then I tried other things with infoSecond, and I wasn't satisfied with the blog anyway so it was fine.

Now blogger seems to be working again and I have given up worrying about wether or not the blog is particularly good. Instead of writting up lengthy articles rant and wisdom and other originally derivitive thinking, I will be satisfied with the original purpose of infosecond; to share links with students, clients and friends based on things I find and conversations that come up.

So yes, this blog is a link aggragator thingy, and anyone could find what it says by surfing for an hour a day across infosec and web-culture sites. Its a rehash blog in the minds of 'blogging pros'. At least until blogger quits working again.

In a month or two I will get around to figuring out why the feedburner xml feed quit working. Sigh. Thanks for still visiting.

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