Scanning Usenet for Stego

I mention this site often in class; its a study on the use of steganography in images posted to usenet. As of this posting, they say they have not found a single message. What this means is:

1. Its there and they just haven't found it
2. Its not there but somewhere else
3. Stego isn't used on usenet

In other words, steganography does exist and is used, we just don't know where or how. If I were up to mischief, I would smuggle company secrets out in encrypted form hidden in family vacation photographs or better yet, pictures of my pet. I would show them to my boss and colleagues until they want nothing to do with them anymore (I estimate this would take 30 seconds tops), then carry them out on a USB stick. Whenever such photos are found, people would be more interested in avoiding having to see them then ever imagining they were a vehicle for industrial espionage.

Likely, these extra details would not even be necessary. Stego is tough to detect, and if its encrypted first....its almost impossible. Currently anyway ;)

Scanning USENET for Steganography

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