Reminder: attacking is often about economics, that's all.

The driving force these days behind many attacks is the good old fashion need to make a buck. One of the problems faced in legal terms outside of obvious jurisdiction issues is the simple fact that some activities are just not considered illegal by everyone. That sounds funny. Since when did just anyone get to decide what is legal and what isn't? In this context, ethics also play a role that blurs the line where the letter of the law is supposed to be involved.

Corporations have been using the world economy to their advantage long since before the Internet. Consider for instance the economics of labor costs. Where its OK to pay someone a dollar a day if that's the "standard of living" in that community, even if the goods they create will be sold somewhere else that considers those wages below standard.

In other words the idea of creating ones own platform of law or ethics isn't new to business, so why would we expect the same condition would not be exploited by individuals? The internet allows consumers to take advantage of the same thing manufacturers have known how to do since the earliest days of trading. And they are doing it at all levels.

And so to will those engaged in 'creative' ways to assume new income, working the opportunity available to them, offering services that both enable crime and protect people (said with a wink). The article referenced below is one example that deals with "carding". When sites are referenced that are in another language, Russian for example, don't forget that you can use google translator to read it.

The nets not so secret economy

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