Microsoft suing John Doe for having a spambot network

Finally, a Microsoft lawsuit we can all cheer for !!

In the article linked below, it seems MS infected one computer with some code and found that seconds later it was announcing its presence to a few botnets and moments later it was contacted hundreds of times and minutes later it was sending millions of spam.

So Microsoft is fixing the problem of botnets where they really know how to be affective. In the courtroom I am sure the nn year old college student that started this botnet will succumb to the pressure and be shamed by the scrutiny. Not to mention the millions he pays Microsoft will be used to reverse the damage cause by the phishing scams he sent.

The question is, Will lawsuits like this deter spam or just force them to find sneakier ways of remaining anonymous? For the answer, ask the RIAA how things have been going for them lately.

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